The total surface area of a cylinder of radius 7 cm is $880 cm^{2}$. Find the height of the cylinder.

Given :

The total surface area of a cylinder of radius $7 cm = 880 cm^2$.

To find:

we have to find the height of the cylinder.


Let the height of the cylinder be 'h' cm.

The total surface area of a cylinder of radius r and height $h = 2πrh+2πr^2$ 


$2πrh+2πr^2 = 2 \times \frac{22}{7} \times 7 \times h + 2 \times \frac{22}{7}  \times 7 \times  7$

$880 = 44h+44\times7$

$44\times 20 = 44(h+7)$

$20 = h+7$

$h = 20-7$

$h = 13 cm$.

The height of the cylinder is 13 cm.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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