The total cost of levelling a rectangular Garden is Rs. 7200. If the cost of levelling is rupees 40 per square metre and the length of the rectangular field is 20 metres, find the area of the field and breadth of the field.


Total cost of levelling the rectangular field = 7200₹

Cost of levelling per sq meter = 40 ₹

The length of the rectangular field is 20m

To find:

The area of the field and the breadth of the field


Area of rectangle  =  $\frac{Total cost of leveling the rectangular field}{Cost of leveling per sq meter}$

Area of rectangle  =  $\frac{7200}{40}$  =  180 

Area of rectangle  =  180 sq m

Length = 20 m

Area  = length $\times$ breadth 

180 = 20 $\times$ breadth

$\frac{180}{20} $ = breadth

9 =  breadth

The  breadth  =  9 m

Therefore the area of the field is 180sq m and the breadth is 9m.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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