The total cost of fencing a rectangular field at rupees 40 per metre is rupees 8400 if the length of the field is 60 find the perimeter of the rectangle and breadth of the rectangle

Given: The total cost of fencing a rectangular field at rupees $40$ per metre is rupees $8400$ 

the length of the field is $60$

To Find:  The perimeter of the rectangle and breadth of the rectangle​


Cost of fencing per meter  =  40₹ 

The total cost of fencing the rectangle  =  8400₹

a )  Fencing should be done on the boundary of the field, so it is related to the perimeter.

Perimeter  =  $\frac{Total cost of fencing the rectangle}{Cost of fencing per meter}$

                     =  $\frac{8400}{40}$  = 210

Perimeter of Rectangle = $210$ m

b )  Formula of Perimeter = $2 (length + breadth)$

length = $60$ m

$210  =  2 (60 + breadth)$


 $2 (60 + breadth) = 210$

60 + breadth  =  $\frac{210}{2}$

60 + breadth  =   105

breadth  =  $105 - 60  =  45$

breadth = $45$ m.

Therefore the  breadth is $45$ m and the perimeter is $210$m

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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