The sum of the three consecutive even number is 96. Find the numbers.

Given: Sum of the three consecutive even number is 96.

To find: Here we have to find three consecutive even numbers whose sum is 96.


Let the first number be = $x$


The next consecutive even number would be = $x\ +\ 2$


The following consecutive even number would be = $x\ +\ 4$

Then put those 3 expressions together to make:

$x\ +\ (x\ +\ 2)\ +\ (x\ +\ 4)\ =\ 96$

Combine like terms to:

$3x\ +\ 6\ =\ 96$

Subtract 6 from each side:

$3x\ =\ 90$

Divide both sides by 3:

$x\ =\ 30$


The first number be = $x$ = 30

The next consecutive even number would be = $x\ +\ 2$ = $30\ +\ 2$ = 32

The following consecutive even number would be = $x\ +\ 4$ = $30\ +\ 4$ = 34

So, required three consecutive even numbers are 30, 32 and 34.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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