The second angle of a triangle is 15° less than the first angle. If the third angle is 20° more than the second angle, find all three angles of the triangle.

Given: The second angle of a triangle is 15° less than the first angle.   The third angle is 20° more than the second angle

To Do:  find all three angles of the triangle


Let the first angle be $y$. 

second angle =$ y - 15$

third angle = $20 + y - 15 = y + 5$

Sum of angles of the triangle by angle sum property 

$y + y - 15 + y + 5 = 180°$

$3y - 10 = 180°$

$3y = 180° + 10° = 190°$

$y = \frac{190}{3} = 63.33°$

So the angles of the triangle are

63.33, 48.33°, 68.33°

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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