The rotting of garbage is said to be completed when the garbage:
(a) rot completely and not smell
(b) rot almost completely, but still smell bad
(c) rot only partially
(d) not change at all

Correct answer: (a) rot completely and not smell

Explanation: The rotting of garbage is said to be completed when the garbage rots completely to form black colour and there is no foul smell. This garbage is then said to be composted and contains essential nutrients like inorganic nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus etc. This is then added to soils to grow plants as they provide essential nutrients to the plants.

Composting is a way of recycling organic wastes. It is important because composting creates optimal conditions for decomposition to occur. Decomposition is the biochemical process by which bacteria, fungi, and other microscopic organisms break organic wastes (like fruits and vegetable peels, seeds, etc.)  into nutrients that can be used by plants and animals.

Health hazard: Rotting may lead to severe smell build-up caused by the production of different gases like hydrogen sulphide. A higher concentration of these gases can cause eye irritation, coughing, and loss of smell. If the amount of inhaled hydrogen sulphide is excessive, damage to the eyes can occur, along with the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. In severe cases, some people can lose consciousness, or potentially die.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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