The radii of the top and bottom of a bucket of slant height $45\ cm$ are $28\ cm$ and $7\ cm$ respectively. Find the curved surface area of the bucket.

Given: The radii of the top and bottom of a bucket of slant height $45\ cm$ are $28\ cm$ and $7\ cm$ respectively.

To do: To find the curved surface area of the bucket.


Radius of the top of the bucket $( R)=28\ cm$

Radius of the bottom of the bucket $( r)=7\ cm$


Curved surface area of the bucket $=\pi l( R+r)=\frac{22}{7} \times  45 ( 28+7)$

$= \frac{22}{7} \times  45 \times  35$

$ \frac{22 \times  45\times 35}{7}$

$= \frac{34650}{7}$

$= 4950\ cm^2$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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