The perimeter of a rhombus is $56\ m$ and its height is $5\ m$. Find its area.

Given: The perimeter of a rhombus is $56\ m$ and its height is $5\ m$. 

To do: To find its area.


The perimeter of the rhombus is given as $56\ m$

We know that the formula of the perimeter of a rhombus is given as,

Perimeter $= 4 \times side\ of\ rhombus$

$\therefore 56 = 4 \times (side\ of\ rhombus)$

$\Rightarrow$ Side of rhombus $= \frac{56}{4}=14\ m$

The height of the rhombus, $h = 5\ m$

Area of the rhombus $= base \times\ height$

Substituting the value of base and height in the formula of area, we get

Area $= 14 \times 5 = 70\ m^2$

Thus, the area of the rhombus is $70\ m^2$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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