The mirror which can form a magnified image of an object is:

(a) convex mirror (b) plane mirror (c) concave mirror (d) both convex and concave mirror

(c) concave mirror


A concave mirror can form a magnified image of an object, in the following cases:

1. Between Focus $(F)$ and Center of  Curvature $(C)$.

2. At Focus $(F)$.

3. Between Pole $(P)$ and Focus $(F)$.

Images formed by a Concave Mirror

Position of the Object $(u)$Position of the Image $(v)$Size of the ImageNature of the Image

1. At Infinity

At Focus $(F)$ 

Highly Diminished

Real and Inverted

2. Beyond Centre of Curvature $(C)$

Between Focus $(F)$ and Center of  Curvature $(C)$


Real and Inverted

3. At the Center of Curvature $(C)$

At the Center of  Curvature $(C)$

Same Size

Real and Inverted

4. Between Focus $(F)$ and Center of  Curvature $(C)$

Beyond Centre of Curvature $(C)$


Real and Inverted

5. At Focus $(F)$ 

At Infinity

Highly Enlarged

Real and Inverted

6. Between Pole $(P)$ and Focus $(F)$

Behind the mirror


Virtual and Erect

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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