The male population of a village is 9840 and the female population of a village is 8965.
(a) Find the total population of the village.
(b) How many more males are there than females?

Given :

The male population of a village = 9840.  

The female population of a village = 8965.

To find :

We have to find,

(a) The total population of the village.

(b) How many more males are there than females?

Solution :

(a) The total population of the village = Male population$+$Female population



(b) To find the number of males more than the number of females we have to subtract female population from male population.

Number of males more than the number of females = $9840-8965=875$. 

The total population of the village. = 18805

Number of males more than the number of females = 875

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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