The inner circumference of a circular track is $264\ m$ and the width of the track is $7\ m$. Find the length of the outer circumference.

Given: The inner circumference of a circular track is $264\ m$ and the width of the track is $7\ m$.

To do: To find the length of the outer circumference.


Let $r$ be the radius of the inner track.

Inner circumference of track $=2πr=264\ m$         $( Given)$

$\Rightarrow 2×\frac{22}{7}×r=264$

$\Rightarrow r=264×\frac{7}{2×22}$
$\Rightarrow r=42\ m$

Width of track $( w)=7\ m$                           $( Given)$

$\therefore$ Outer radius $( R)=r+w$

$=42+7=49\ m$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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