The following is an answer given by Boojho to a question asked by his teacher:
Cotton, wool, silk and jute are classified as natural fibres whereas nylon and polyester are classified as synthetic fibres”.
Can you tell what question the teacher has asked?

An answer is given by Boojho as follows:
"Cotton, wool, silk and jute are classified as natural fibres whereas nylon and polyester are classified as synthetic fibres”.

To do:
We have to identify the question asked by the teacher.

Here, Boojho classified Cotton, wool, silk and jute as a natural fibre.
He classified nylon and polyester as synthetic fibres”.
Here it seems the classification of fibres based on their origin into two categories-
1. Natural fibres- the fibres that are obtained from plants, animals or mineral sources. Some examples are cotton, silk, wool etc. 
2. Synthetic Fibres- Synthetic fibres are man-made fibres designed to make fabrics. eg. Nylon and Rayon.

Question asked by the teacher:
Based on the observation of the answer given by Boojho we can conclude that the question was related to the classification of the fibre.
Hence the teacher may have asked the following question:
"Classify the following fibres as natural and synthetic.
Polyester, Jute, Silk, Nylon, Cotton, Wool."

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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