The diameter of a circular field is  $56\ m$. Find the circumference and hence find the cost of fencing it at the rate of $80\ per\ m$.

Given: The diameter of a circular field is $56\ m$. And the rate of fencing $80\ per\ m$.

To do: To find the circumference and to find the cost fencing.


As given the diameter of a circular field $=56\ m$

Therefore, radius of the circular field$=\frac{56}{2}=28\ m$

Circumference of the circular field$=2\pi r$


$=176\ m$

 As given, rate of fencing$=80\ per\ m$.

Therefore, total cost of fencing$=176\times80$

$=₹\ 14080$

Thus, the cost of fencing the circular field is $₹\ 14080$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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