The diameter of a circular field is $ 40 \mathrm{~m} $ and that of another is $ 96 \mathrm{~m} $. Find the diameter of the circular field whose area is equal to the areas of two fields.


The diameter of a circular field is \( 40 \mathrm{~m} \) and that of another is \( 96 \mathrm{~m} \). 

To do:

We have to find the diameter of the circular field whose area is equal to the areas of two fields.

Diameter of circle 1 $=40\ m$

Radius of circle 1 $=\frac{40}{2}=20\ m$ 

Diameter of circle 2 $=96\ m$

Radius of circle 2 $=\frac{96}{2}=48\ m$ 

Area of circle 1 $=\pi (20)^2=400\pi$

Area of circle 2 $=\pi (48)^2=2304\pi$

Area of the circular field whose area is equal to the areas of two fields $=400\pi + 2304\pi$


Let the radius of the circular field so formed be $r$.

This implies,

$\pi r^2=2704\pi$



$r=52\ m$

Diameter $=2r=2(52)\ m=104\ m$

The diameter of the circular field whose area is equal to the areas of two fields is 104 m.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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