The circumference of the front wheel and the rear wheel of a tricycle are 60cm and 45cm respectively. When we begin to ride the tricycle the point p on the front wheel and the point q on the rear wheel touch the ground.
A) what is the distance travel before p and q touch the ground next at the same point ?
B ) find the number of revolutions that the front and rear wheel will have made by them.

Given :

The circumference of the front wheel and the rear wheel of a tricycle are 60cm and 45cm respectively.

To do :

We have to find the distance travel before p and q touch the ground next at the same point and  the number of revolutions that the front and rear wheel will have made by them.

Solution :

The distance travelled before p and q touch the ground next at the same point is the LCM of the circumferences of the front wheel and the back wheel.

LCM of 60 and 45 is,

$60 = 2\times2\times3\times5$

$45 = 3\times3\times5$

LCM of 60 and 45 $= 2\times2\times3\times3\times5 = 180$

The distance travelled before p and q touch the ground next at the same point is 180 cm.

Number of revolutions made by the front wheel $= \frac{180}{60} = 3$

Number of revolutions made by the rear wheel $= \frac{180}{45} = 4$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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