The base of a triangular field is twice it's altitude. If the cost of leveling the field is at the rate of 10 per meter square is 4000. Find it's base and altitude.

Given :

The base of a triangular field is twice it's altitude.

The cost of leveling the field is ₹4000 at ₹10 per sq m.

To find :

We have to find the base and altitude.

Solution :

Let the altitude of the triangle be 'x'.

Then the base will be '2x'.

We know that the area of the triangle with base 'b' and height 'h' is,

$\frac{1}{2} \times b \times h$

Here, base $=2x$, height $= x$

So, Area of the triangle $=\frac{1}{2} \times 2x \times x = x^2$sq m.

The cost of leveling the field at ₹10 per sq m is ₹4000.

Area of the triangle $= \frac{4000}{10}$

Area of the triangle $= 400$sq m.

On comparing,

$x^2 = 400$sq m.

$x^2 = 20 \times 20$

$x = 20$m.

Altitude $= x = 20 $m.

Base $= 2x = 2(20)  = 40$m.

Therefore, the base of the triangle is 40 and the altitude of the triangle is 20 m.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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