The average age of Rahul, Amit, Vijay and Salman is $ 4 q $ years old. Rahul is $ 2 q $ years old, Amit is $ q $ years old and Vijay is 14 years old. How old is Salman?
A. $ \quad(14 q) $ years
B. $ \quad(13 q) $ years
C. $ \quad(14 q-13) $ years
D. $ \quad(13 q-14) $ years


The average age of Rahul, Amit, Vijay and Salman is \( 4 q \) years old. Rahul is \( 2 q \) years old, Amit is \( q \) years old and Vijay is 14 years old. 

To do:

We have to find the age of Salman.

Let the age of Salman be $x$.
We know that,

Average $=$ Sum of the observations$\div$ Total number of observations.

Therefore,  according to the question


$4(4q)=3q+14+x$     (On cross multiplication)




The age of Salman is $(13q-14)$ years.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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