The area of a rectangular field whose length is twice its breadth is 2450 square meter. Find the perimeter of the field.

Given : 

Area of the Rectangular field = 2450 sq m.

Length of the rectangular field is twice its breadth.

To find : 

We have to find the Perimeter of the Rectangular field.

Solution :

It is given that, length of the rectangular field is twice its breadth.

$Length = 2\times Breadth$ ........................(I)

We know that,  Area of rectangle $=length \times breadth$

$2450 = length\times breadth$.......................(ii)

Substitute (i) in (ii)

$2450 = 2\times breadth\times breadth $

$2450 = 2 breadth^{2}$

$\frac{2450}{2} = breadth^{2}$

$1225 = breadth^{2}$

$\sqrt{1225} = breadth$

$35 = breadth$

The breadth of Rectangular field  = 35 m.

Substitute breadth value in (I),

$Length = 2\times Breadth$

$ Length =  2\times 35 $

$Length = 70$

Length of Rectangular field  = 70 m.

Perimeter of rectangle $= 2(Length + breadth)$

                                           $= 2(70 + 35)$

                                          $ = 2(105)  =  210$

Perimeter = 210 m

The perimeter of the rectangular field is 210 m.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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