Subtract $3 x y+5 y z-7 z x$ from $5 x y-2 y z-2 z x+10 x y z$.

Given :

The given terms are $3 x y+5 y z-7 z x$ and $5 x y-2 y z-2 z x+10 x y z$.

To do :

We have to subtract $3 x y+5 y z-7 z x$ from $5 x y-2 y z-2 z x+10 x y z$.

Solution :

$(5xy-2yz-2zx+10xyz) - (3xy+5yz-7zx) = (5xy-3xy) + (-2yz-5yz) + (-2zx-(-7zx)) + 10xyz$


                                                                    $= 2xy+(-7yz)+(-2xz+7xz)+10xyz$


Therefore, the resultant term is $2xy-7yz+5zx+10xyz$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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