Steamer covers the distance between two parts in 3 hours when it goes downstream and 5 hours when it goes upstream. Find the speed of the streamer upstream if the stream flows at 3 km per hour.


Steamer covers the distance between two parts in 3 hours when it goes downstream and 5 hours when it goes upstream.

The stream flows at 3 km per hour.

To do:

We have to find the speed of the streamer upstream.


Let the speed of the steamer in still water be $x\ km/h$.

Then, the speed downstream $=(x+3)\ km/h$

and the speed upstream $=(x-3)\ km/h$

According to the question,

Distance covered in $3$ hours downstream $=$ Distance covered in $5$ hours upstream

$\because 3(x+3)=5(x-3)$                                [$\because Distance=speed\times time$]

$\Rightarrow 3x+9=5x-15$

$\Rightarrow 5x-3x=9+15$   

$\Rightarrow 2x=24$

$\Rightarrow x=\frac{24}{2}=12\ km/h$

Thus, the speed of the steamer is $12\ km/h$. 

The speed of the steamer upstream $=12-3=9\ km/hr.$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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