State the mode/ different modes, of heat transfer, in the following situations:\na. A paper cup, full of hot soup, lying on the table. \nb. Cooking vegetables in a pan. \nc. Melting of a chocolate bar, in the school bag, on a hot day\nd. Cooking food in a microwave oven

(a) A paper cup, full of hot soup, lying on a table - Convection

Here convection happens between the siup and surrounding air.

(b) Cooking vegetables in a pan- Conduction

The pan, which is in direct contact with the heat source, transfers the heat to the vegetables.

(c)- Melting of a chocolate bar, in the school bag, on a hot day- Conduction

Conduction of heat takes place from the bag which is in direct contact with chocolate.

(d) Cooking food in a microwave oven- Radiation

Here there's no direct contact between the heat source and object. So it is radiation

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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