Solve the following equations and verify the answer:

$\frac{15(2\ -\ x)\ -\ 5(x\ +\ 6)}{1\ -\ 3x} \ =\ 10 $

Given: $\frac{15(2\ -\ x)\ -\ 5(x\ +\ 6)}{1\ -\ 3x} \ =\ 10 $

To do: Here we have to solve the expression and then verify the answer.


$\frac{15(2\ -\ x)\ -\ 5(x\ +\ 6)}{1\ -\ 3x} \ =\ 10 $

After cross multiplication:

$15(2\ -\ x)\ -\ 5(x\ +\ 6)\ =\ 10( 1\ -\ 3x)$

$30\ -\ 15x\ -\ 5x\ -\ 30\ =\ 10\ -\ 30x$

$30x\ -\ 15x\ -\ 5x\ =\ 10$

$10x\ =\ 10$

$x\ =\ \frac{10}{10}$

$\mathbf{x\ =\ 1}$

So, the value of x is = 1.


Put the value of x in the equation (1),

$\frac{15(2\ -\ 1)\ -\ 5(1\ +\ 6)}{1\ -\ 3( 1)} \ =\ 10$

$\frac{15(1)\ -\ 5(7)}{1\ -\ 3} \ =\ 10$

$\frac{15\ -\ 35}{-2} \ =\ 10$

$\frac{-\ 20}{-\ 2} \ =\ 10$

$\mathbf{10\ =\ 10}$

Hence Verified.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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