Solution A turns universal indicator blue to purple whereas solution B turns universal indicator orange to red.

(a) What will be the action of solution A on litmus?
(b) What will be action of solution B on litmus?
(c) Name any two substances which can give solutions like A.
(d) Name any two substances which can give solutions like B.
(e) What sort of reaction takes place when solution A reacts with solution B?

(a) Solution A turns universal indicator blue to purple so it is basic in nature. Thus, it will turn red litmus paper blue.
(b) Solution B turns universal indicator orange to red so it is acidic in nature. Thus, it will turn blue litmus red.
(c) Milk of magnesia and sodium hydroxide solution are basic in nature like solution A.
(d) Lemon juice and hydrochloric acid are acidic in nature like solution B
(e) Neutralisation reaction takes place between solution A(Base) and solution B(Acid) to produce salt and water.
The reaction is given as: Acid + Base --> Salt + Water.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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