Read the following sentences carefully, and choose the incorrect one:
(a) One of the most important adaptation in an elephant is its trunk.
(b) Elephant uses the tusks to tear off the bark of trees which it eats as food.
(c) The large and round feet give good stability to the elephant and also prevent it from sinking into soft ground.
(d) The elephant cannot hear the sound with his large ears but it helps to keep cool in hot and humid climate.

Correct Answer(d) The elephant cannot hear the sound with its large ears but it helps to keep cool in a hot and humid climates.


 Elephant's large ears help them to hear very loud sounds. The thinness of the elephant's ears allows the animal to cool themselves in the African heat. The ear is full of blood vessels and closer to the surface of the skin thus radiating heat.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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