Ram Prasad saved Rs 10 in the first week of a year and then increased his weekly saving by Rs 2.75. If in the nth week, his savings become Rs 59.50, find n.


Ram Prasad saved Rs 10 in the first week of a year and then increased his weekly saving by Rs 2.75

In the nth week his saving becomes Rs59.50.

To do:  Find n.


His weekly saving will be an A.P

a = 10, d = 2.75 , an = 59.50

$a_n = a+(n-1)d$

$10+(n-1)2.75 = 59.50$

$10+2.75n -2.75 = 59.50$

$2.75n= 59.50+2.75-10$

$2.75n= 49.50+2.75$

$2.75n = 52.25$

$n = \frac{52.25}{2.75}$

$n = 19$

Therefore the value of n is 19

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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