Ram completes one round of circular track with radius 50 m in 2 minutes1. Find the distance covered after 6 minutes.2. Find displacement covered in 6 minutes.


Ram completes one round of circular track with radius 50 m in 2 minutes.

To do:

We have to find

(i) The distance covered after 6 minutes.

(ii) The displacement covered in 6 minutes.


Distance is the length of the path taken by an object whereas displacement is simply the distance between where the object started and where it ended up.

(i) Distance covered in 2 minutes $=$ 1 round of circular track with radius 50 m.

$=$ circumference of the circle


$=314.28\ m$

Distance covered in 6 minutes $=3\times$ Distance covered in 2 minutes

$=3\times314.28\ m$

$=942.86\ m$

Distance covered in 6 minutes $=942.86\ m$.

(ii) Displacement covered in 6 minutes$=$ Final position $-$ Initial position

Ram returns to the same position after 6 minutes, i.e., after 3 revolutions.


Displacement covered in 6 minutes$=0\ m$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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