Raju's father's age is 5 years more than 3 Times of Raju's age. Raju's father Is 44 year old. Setup and equation to find Raju's age.

Given: Raju's Father Age 5 Years More Than Three Times Raju's Age

            Raju's Father In 44 Year 

To do: Find the age of Raju


Let Raju's age =$4y$

Raju's father age = $3y + 5$ 

Raju's father age = 44 years given

So the equation is $3y + 5 = 44$

Solving $3y = 44 - 5 = 39$

$y = \frac{39}{3}$ = 13 years

So, Raju's age = 13 years

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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