Prove that if the two arms of an angle are perpendicular to the two arms of another angle, then the angles are either equal or supplementary.

To do:

 We have to prove that if the two arms of an angle are perpendicular to the two arms of another angle, then the angles are either equal or supplementary.


Let in two angles $\angle ABC$ and $\angle DEF$,

$AB \perp DE$ and $BC \perp EF$

Produce the sides $DE$ and $EF$ of $\angle DEF$, to meet the sides of $\angle ABC$ at $H$ and $G$.

From the figure,

$BGEH$ is a quadrilateral

$\angle BHE = 90^o$ and $\angle BGE = 90^o$

Sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is $360^o$


$\angle HBG + \angle HEG = 360^o - (90^o + 90^o)$

$= 360^o - 180^o$

$= 180^o$

$\angle ABC$ and $\angle DEF$ are supplementary.

In quadrilateral $BGEH$,

$\angle BHE = 90^o$ and $\angle HEG = 90^o$

$\angle HBG + \angle HEG = 360^o - (90^o + 90^o)$

$= 360^o- 180^o$

$= 180^o$.......…(i)

$\angle HEF + \angle HEG = 180^o$......…(ii)

From equations (i) and (ii),

$\angle HEF = \angle HBG$

This implies,

$\angle DEF = \angle ABC$

Hence, $\angle ABC$ and $\angle DEF$ are either equal or supplementary.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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