Out of three metals P, Q and R, P is less reactive than Q and R is more reactive than P and Q both. Suggest an activity to arrange P, Q and R in order of their decreasing reactivity.

Step 1
Salt solution of metal P, Q and R were taken
Step 2
According to the question, P< Q< R since R is more reactive than Q and P , so displacement reaction take place.
(1) $\underset{(s)}{R}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; Q}\rightarrow \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; R}+\underset{(s)}{Q}$
       $\underset{(s)}{R}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; P}\rightarrow \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; R}+\underset{(s)}{P}$

(2)    $\underset{(s)}{Q}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; R}\rightarrow no \; reaction$
        $\underset{(s)}{Q}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; P}\rightarrow \underset{(aq)}{Salt of Q}+\underset{(s)}{P}$

(3)  $\underset{(s)}{P}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; R}\rightarrow No\; reaction$
        $\underset{(s)}{P}+ \underset{(aq)}{Salt\; of\; Q}\rightarrow No\; reaction$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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