One says, “give me hundred, friend! I shall then become twice as rich as you”. The other replies, “If you give me ten, I shall be six times as rich as you”. Tell me what is the amount of their respective capital?


One says, "Give me a hundred, friend! I shall then become twice as rich as you."

The other replies, "If you give me ten, I shall be six times as rich as you."

To do:

We have to find the amount of their respective capital.


Let the capital with the first friend and the capital with the second friend be $x$ and $y$ respectively.

If the first friend gets 100 from the second friend then the money with first friend is $x+100$ and the money with the second friend is $y-100$.

If the second friend gets 10 from the first friend then the money with the first friend is $x-10$ and the money with the second friend is $y+10$.

According to the question,

$x + 100 = 2(y-100)$.....(i)

$y + 10 = 6(x-10)$




Substituting $y=6x-70$ in equation (i), we get,







This implies,




The capital with the first friend is Rs. 40 and the capital with the second friend is Rs. 170.   

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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