One of the following process does not lead to the formation of clones. This is:(a) fission      (b) fertilisation      (c) fragmentation      (d) tissue culture

Correct Answer: (b) fertilization


 During fertilization method, two types of gametes, male gamete and female gamete fuse with each other to form a zygote. 

This zygote further develops to form a complete baby.

As the fertilization involves the fusion of male and female gamete, zygote formed in this process shows variation. Thus offsprings developed from this method are not exact copies or not clones of each other. 

Reproduction methods such as fission, fragmentation and tissue culture are the examples of the asexual method of reproduction where offsprings are produced from a single type of parent or cell. It does not involve the fusion of different type of gametes. Thus, it leads to the formation of clones.

Updated on: 21-Mar-2023


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