1. State any one difference between pollination and fertilization.
  2. A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O and their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough to tell you which of the traits-blood group A or O is dominant? Why?

(a) Pollination is the transfer of male gametes onto female gametes, while fertilisation is the fusion of these two gametes.

 (b) The man having blood group A possess two possibilities of antigen present in the blood:      IAIA or IAIO

Similarly, the woman with blood group O has no antigen present in the blood: IOIO

The possible antigens present in the blood of their child is

                            IAIA X IOIO                                   IAIO  X  IOIO

                          IAIO and IAIO                                IAIO and IOIO

But, as the blood group of daughter is O (IOIO), therefore, the man is heterozygous, with blood antigen IAIO.

The above mentioned information is not sufficient to tell if A or O is dominant during blood grouping.

Updated on: 20-Mar-2023


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