Observe fish in an aquarium. You will find flap-like structures on both sides of their heads. These are flaps that cover the gills. These flaps open and close alternately. On the basis of these observations, explain the process of respiration in the fish.

Fish and underwater animals like prawns breathe through the special organs known as gills. Gills are tissues or flaps made up of feathery organs full of blood vessels, that help in using oxygen dissolved in water. It provides a larger surface area for the exchange of gases.

During the diffusion process, the flaps close to allow more water to enter the body and absorb more oxygen from water. After oxygen is absorbed, the water is removed through the same gills.


Respiration in fish occurs in the following steps:

  • Aquatic animals like fish have specialized organs called gills for breathing.
  • The oxygen dissolved in the water is used by the fish for breathing.
  • When the fish takes water in its mouth, it reaches the gills, which in turn extract the dissolved oxygen, and the remaining amount of water is given out through the slits present in the gills.
  • The blood transports this absorbed oxygen to all parts of the body.
  • The blood also brings back the carbon dioxide from the other body parts, which is then expelled through gills into the water present in the surroundings.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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