Name the major gas present in the
(a) inhaled air
(b) exhaled air.

The major gas present in the

(a) Inhaled air- Oxygen     

(b) Exhaled air- Carbon dioxide

[Extra information: Breathing is a part of the respiratory system. It is a chemical change as during breathing oxygen is taken inside and carbon dioxide and water are released. It is a complex process where air travels into and out of the lungs. Breathing takes place in the lungs, which also involves the nose, mouth, and pharynx. It is a voluntary as well as an involuntary physical process.

Respiration is where exercise causes muscles to release energy in the form of glucose. The gaseous exchange takes place by diffusion in the alveoli within the lungs. 

Inhaled air contains more oxygen (21%) used to create energy and less carbon dioxide (0.04).

Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide (4%) produced as a waste product of energy production and less oxygen (16%) as it has been used in respiration.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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