Name a device which uses wind energy to generate electricity.

Windmills use wind energy to convert wind energy into electrical energy. Wind energy can be used for anything from power on boats, battery charging, pumping water or grinding grains, etc.

Two advantages of Wind Energy are given below:
  1. Wind energy is a clean fuel source: Wind energy does not cause any type of pollution like other power plants that rely on the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines do not produce emissions that cause acid rain, smog, or greenhouse gases.
  2. Wind energy is sustainable: Winds are caused by the heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the rotation of the Earth, and the Earth's surface irregularities. Hence, it is a form of solar energy. For as long as the wind blows, the energy produced can be harnessed to send power across the gri

Extra information: A firki or pinwheel rotates when placed in an open area due to the moving air present all around. In a closed area, there is a lack of air movement which does not support the rotation of a firki.

A weather cock is an instrument used for indicating the direction of the wind. It consists of an arrow, mounted at its centre of gravity so it can move freely about a vertical axis. Therefore, the arrow points towards a particular direction at a particular moment to show the latest direction of the wind movement.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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