Mrs. Jain is 27 years older than her daughter Nilu. After 8 years she will be twice as old as Nilu. Find their present ages.

Given :

Mrs. Jain is 27 years older than her daughter Nilu.

After 8 years Mrs. Jain will be twice as old as Nilu.

To do :

We have to find their present ages.

Solution :

Let the present age of Nilu be x.

The present age of Mrs. Jain $= x+27$

The age of Nilu after 8 years $= x+8$

The age of Mrs. Jain after 8 years $= (x+27)+8$


$(x+27)+8 = 2(x+8)$

$x+35 = 2x+16$

$2x-x = 35-16$

$x = 19$

Age of Jain $=19 +27 = 46$  

The present age of Nilu is 19 years and the present age of Mrs. Jain is 46 years.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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