Mention the reasons for differences in the bodies of the male and female individuals of complex multicellular organisms.

Male and Female are more physically similar than the difference. 

But there are a few key difference in their physiques, where some of them are designed to suit each sex for the role they play in reproduction, while others exist to help in differentiating each other apart and to assist in our mutual attraction.

The characteristics of the body which helps to differentiate between males and females are called sexual characters.

Sexual characters are divided into two types:-

1. Primary sexual characteristics- are those characteristics which are inborn.

Example- the penis and testes in males and the vagina and ovaries in females.

2. Secondary sexual characteristics- are those characteristics that are not directly involved in reproduction, and emerge during puberty due to the result of hormonal changes in the body.

Some changes are similar in both males and females, while other changes are specific to each gender. 


Common Changes- the growth of hairs under the chest, armpits, and around the pubic area, increase in height, increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, oily skin and appearance of pimples, darkening of the skin colour of the genital area.

Specific changes based on each gender-

In male- Deepening of voice, Widening of shoulders, Narrowing of hips, Upper body muscular build, Appearance of beard and moustaches. The growth of sex organs (testes and penis).

In female- High pitch voice, Widening of pelvis and hips, Initiation of ovulation and menstruation, Enlargement of mammary glands (breasts), maturation of secondary sex organs like fallopian tubes, uterus.

Updated on: 29-Mar-2023


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