Mention some of the formulas of Mensuration.

For a parallelogram of length l, breadth b and height h,

  • Area $= l \times h$
  • Perimeter $= 2(l+b)$

For a rectangle of length l and breadth b,

  • Area $= l \times b$
  • Perimeter $= 2(l+b)$

For a square of side s,

  • Area $= s^2$
  • Perimeter = 4s

For a Rhombus of length l, diagonals of length a and b,

  • Area $= \frac{1}{2} \times a \times b$
  • Perimeter = 4l

For a Trapezium of height h, length of parallel sides a and b and the lengths of non-parallel sides p and q,

  • Area $= \frac{1}{2} \times h (a + b)$
  • Perimeter $ = a+b+p+q$

For a Kite of sides a, a, b, b and the length of the diagonals p and q,

  • Area $= \frac{1}{2} \times p \times q $
  • Perimeter $= a+b+a+b = 2(a+b)$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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