Make a note of what methods have been used to store food in your home for a long time.

The following are the methods of preserving food at home-



Increasing temperature

Using preservatives


Dehydration means removing water or moisture from food.

This stops microorganisms from growing as they cannot grow without water. It can be called sun drying. For example: Ginger, Potato chips, Fenugreek (Methi) are dehydrated and stored in houses.

Lowering temperature

We can also keep the microorganisms away from food by using low temperature. Low temperature slows down the activity of microorganisms.

For this, we make use of refrigerators for preserving food items. Food can be kept in refrigerator at about 5˚C which delays its spoilage. For example: Cooked Dal can be preserved by this method.

Increasing temperature

We can also keep the microorganism away from food by using high temperature. By increasing temperature enzymes and microorganisms are destroyed.Milk

It involves two methods:




It is a process of heating food items to high temperatures and then quickly cooling it. As microorganisms cannot withstand the change in temperature therefore, they get destroyed. This is a process in which milk is heated to about 70 degrees Celsius for about 15 to 30 seconds and then suddenly chilled and stored. This process was discovered by Louis Pasteur.


In this process, food items are exposed to high temperatures for a longer period of time. In some cases, high pressure also used to destroy microorganisms.

Like if we take water and boils at very high temperatures it cannot withstand that high temperatures and may lead to the destruction of microorganisms. Or we can say that water is microorganism free.

Using Preservatives

A preservative is any substance that is added to food to keep it for long time. For example Salt, Sugar, Acid, lemon.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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