List the valency of the first 30 elements of the periodic table.

Valency is the number of electrons an atom gains or loose in order to gain the stable electronic configuration.

The valency of the first 30 elements of the periodic table is given below.

ElementAtomic NumberValency
Valency of Hydrogen11
Valency of Helium20
Valency of Lithium31
Valency of Beryllium42
Valency of Boron53
Valency of Carbon64
Valency of Nitrogen73
Valency of Oxygen82
Valency of Fluorine91
Valency of Neon100
Valency of Sodium (Na)111
Valency of Magnesium (Mg)122
Valency of Aluminium133
Valency of Silicon144
Valency of Phosphorus153
Valency of Sulphur162
Valency of Chlorine171
Valency of Argon180
Valency of Potassium (K)191
Valency of Calcium202
Valency of Scandium213
Valency of Titanium224
Valency of Vanadium235,4
Valency of Chromium242
Valency of Manganese257, 4, 2
Valency of Iron (Fe)262, 3
Valency of Nickel273, 2
Valency of Cobalt282
Valency of Copper (Cu)292, 1
Valency of Zinc302

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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