List changes in the body that take place at puberty.

Puberty is the physical process by which a boy or girl attains sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce.

On average, females begin puberty between the ages of 10–11 and finish it between the years of 15–17, whereas boys begin puberty between the ages of 11–12 and complete it between the ages of 16–18.

It influences the bodily changes of "boys" and "girls" differently.

In girls:

1. Typically, the first indication of puberty is the appearance of breasts.

2. Then hair began to grow in the pubic region and armpits.

3. Menstruation (or a period) often occurs at last.

In boys:

1. Typically, the enlargement of the testicles and penis is the first sign of puberty.

2. Then hair began to grow in the pubic region and armpits.

3. The muscles expand, the voice becomes deeper, and facial hair grows.

Adolescence begins at 11 years and lasts until 19 years of age in humans. Since adolescence encompasses the teen years, 13 to 19 years, it is also known as teenage, and adolescents are also known as teenagers.

Due to sex hormones, adolescent males and girls experience various changes.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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