It is required to make a closed cylindrical tank of height 1m and base diameter 140 cm from a metal sheet. How many square metres of the sheet are required for the same?

Given:  It is required to make a closed cylindrical tank of height 1m and base diameter 140 cm from a metal sheet

To find: How many square metres of the sheet are required for the same.


A closed cylinder  formed from  a metal sheet.

So the area of metal sheet required  =  Area of cylinder formed from the metal sheet.

Area of cylinder  =  Curved surface area $+$  Area of circular sheet in top + Area of circular sheet in bottom

Area of cylinder  =  $2πr h   +  π r^2+     π r^2$     

r   = radius of cylinder as well as circle 

Diameter  =  140 cm  

radius  =  $\frac{Diameter}{2}$  = $\frac{140}{ 2}  =  70$

radius  =  70 cm

h = height of cylinder  =  1 m  =  100 cm

π  =$ \frac{22}{7}$  (constant)

Substitute all the values in formula ,

Curved surface area =  2πr h

                                      =  $2 \times \frac{22}{7}  \times 70 \times 100$      

                                      =   $2 \times 22 \times 10 \times 1000$           [$\frac{70}{ 7}=10$]


                                       =   $44 \times 1000  =  44000$

Curved surface area =  44000 sq cm


Area of circular sheet in top  =    $π r^2$   

                                                       =  $\frac{22}{ 7}  \times  70  \times  70$

                                                      =  $22 \times 10 \times 70$        [ $\frac{70}{ 7} = 10$]

                                                       =  $22 \times 700  =  15400$

 Area of circular sheet in top  =  15400 sq cm

Area of circular sheet in bottom  =  Area of circular sheet in top  =  15400 sq cm

Area of cylinder  =  $44000  +  15400  +  15400$

Area of cylinder  =  74800 sq cm

So, the area of sheet required  to form a cylinder  =  74800 sq cm.



Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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