In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with
(a) a Chinese school-boy
(b) a chimpanzee
(c) a spider
(d) a bacterium

Correct Answer: (a) a Chinese school-boy


We, as humans, resemble a Chinese schoolboy more in evolutionary terms, as we both belong to the same species of Homo sapiens.

The organisms are classified based on their resemblances in morphology, behavioral patterns, food habits, etc., which differ due to their evolution from a common ancestor. Organisms are put into different groups based on what they have in common and what makes them different from each other. The closer two species are related to each other, the more features they share. When two species are close together, it means they share a common ancestor. 

Although the country of origin or tribal origin of a Chinese boy is different from an Indian boy, they are both human beings, which brings maximum similarity. It is followed by a chimpanzee, then a spider, and lastly, a bacterium (because it is a prokaryote organism). 

So, the way species are put into groups shows how they have changed over time, or we can say that evolution and grouping are linked. The areas of classification and evolution are interlinked. Evolution plays an important role in the classification of organisms.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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