In an isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is twice either base angle. Find the angles, and represent the situation as an equation.


In an Isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is twice either base angle.

To do :

We have to find the angles and represent the situation as an equation.

Solution :

Let each base angle be b°.

This implies,

The measure of the vertex angle $= 2(b)° = 2b°$

We know that,

The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180°.


$b°+b°+2b° = 180°$

$4b° = 180°$

$b° =\frac{180°}{4}= 45°$

The measures of the angles are 45°,45° and 90°.

The required equation is $4b°-180° = 0$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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