In a test of class ten, 75% of students passed in mathematics and 65% in science. What is the percentage of students who passed in both subjects?


 Percentage of students passed in mathematics = 75%

Percentage of students passed in science = 65%

To find:

The number of students passed in both subjects


 75% of students passed in mathematics, which means out of 100, 75 students passed.

65% of students passed in science, which means out of 100, 65 students passed.

So, number of students passed in both subjects  =  75 + 65

% of students passed in both subjects = $\frac{75 + 65} {200}  =  \frac{140 }{200}$

$\frac{140 }{200} =  \frac{70}{100}$  

So, 70 % of students passed in both subjects.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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