In a club having 360 members, 40 play carrom, 96 play table tennis, 144 play badminton and remaining members play volley-ball. If no member plays two or more games, find the ratio of members who play:

(i) Carrom to the number of those who play badminton.

(ii) Badminton to the number of those who play table-tennis.

(iii) Table-tennis to the number of those who play volley-ball.

(iv) Volley-ball to the number of those who play other games.

Given :

Total number of members in the club =360

Number of members who play carrom = 40

Number of members who play table tennis = 96

Number of members who play badminton = 144

To find:

We have to find the ratio of members who play different games, which is asked in he question.

Solution :

 Number of members who play volley ball $= 360-(40+96+144) = 360-280 = 80$

(i) Ratio of members who play carrom to the number of those who play badminton $= 40:144 = 5:18$

(ii) Ratio of members who play badminton to the number of those who play table tennis $= 144:96 = 12:8 = 3:2$

(iii) Ratio of members who play table-tennis to the number of those who play volley-ball $= 96:80 = 12:10 = 6:5$

(iv) Ratio of members who play volley-ball to the number of those who play other games $= 80:280 = 2:7$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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