th term of the A. P. $ 15,12,9 \ldots \ldots $ find $ n . $">

If the nth term of the A. P. 9, 7, 5.... is same as the nth term of the A. P. $ 15,12,9 \ldots \ldots $ find $ n . $


The two AP series are 9,7,5.... and 15,12,9.....

The nth term of the A. P. 9, 7, 5.... is same as the nth term of the A. P. 15,12,9....

To do:

We have to find the value of n.


The first A.P is  9 , 7 , 5 ...

$a_1 = 9  ;  d_1  = 7-9 = - 2$

The second A.P is  15 , 12 , 9...

$a_2 = 15  ;  d_2 = 12-15 = -3$

nth  term of both the A.P.s are equal.

So, an1 $=$ an2 

We know that,

a= a $+ (n-1)d$

an1  $= 9 + (n-1)(-2)$

an 2  $= 15+(n-1)(-3)$

$9 + (n-1) (-2) = 15 + (n-1) (-3)$

$9 - 2n + 2 = 15 - 3 n + 3$

$11 - 2n =18 - 3n$

$3n - 2n = 18 - 11$

$n = 7$


7th term of both the A.P s are equal.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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