If cost of transporting 160 kilograms of goods 125 kilometre is 60 rupees. What will be the cost of transporting the 200 kilograms of goods for 400 Km?


Cost of transporting 160 Kilogram of Goods 125 kilometre is 60 rupees.

Cost of transportation is directly proportional to the distance travelled and the weight of the Goods.

To do: What will be the cost of transporting the 200 kilograms of goods for 400 Km.


Cost of transporting 160 kg of goods for 125 km = Rs. 60

Cost of transporting 160 kg for 1 km = Rs.$\frac{60}{125}$ 


Cost of transporting 1 kg for 1 km = Rs. 60160×125\frac{60}{160\times 125}

Cost of transporting 200 kg for 1 km = Rs. 200×60160×125\frac{200\times 60}{160\times 125}

Cost of transporting 200 kg of goods for 400 km = Rs. 400×200×60160×125= 10×8×604×5=2×2×60=240\frac{400\times 200\times 60}{160\times 125} =\ \frac{10\times 8\times 60}{4\times 5} =2\times 2\times 60=240

=Rs. $\frac{10\times8\times60}{4\times5}$


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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