If 2 is added to the numerator of a fraction, it reduces to $\frac{1}{2}$ and if 1 is subtracted from the denominator, it 1 reduces to $\frac{1}{3}$. Find the fraction.


If 2 is added to the numerator of a fraction, it reduces to $\frac{1}{2}$ and if 1 is subtracted from the denominator, it 1 reduces to $\frac{1}{3}$.

To do:

We have to find the original fraction.


Let the numerator and denominator of the original fraction be $x$ and $y$ respectively.

The original fraction$=\frac{x}{y}$

The fraction becomes $\frac{1}{2}$ if 2 is added to the numerator. 

This implies,

New fraction$=\frac{x+2}{y}$

According to the question,


$2(x+2)=1(y)$    (On cross multiplication)



When 1 is subtracted from the denominator, it 1 reduces to $\frac{1}{3}$.

This implies,


$3(x)=1(y-1)$    (On cross multiplication)



$3x-(2x+4)+1=0$     (From (i))




$\Rightarrow y=2(3)+4$



Therefore, the original fraction is $\frac{3}{10}$.   

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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