How will you find out a magnet when two identical bars are given?

To find out a magnet from the two identical bars we can apply three method-

1. By suspending the metal bars- In this method, we'll suspend each bar from a string tied around the middle of the bar. The magnetic bar should rotate to orient itself with the Earth north and south magnetic poles, while the other bar will just hang there.

2. By attracting iron filings- In this method, we will put both the bars near the iron filings, if one of the bars attracts the iron filings then, it'll be obvious that the bar is a magnet.

3. Using another magnet- In this method, we will put a magnet near both the bars, if one of them attracts or repel the magnet then we can conclude that which bar is a magnet.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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